Terrorists in Chicago Used as Cover for an Operation 40 Revenge Mission

The Cook County sheriff had just arrested eight men alleged to be responsible for a string of murders in the Chicago suburbs, the first 6/20/72, 9/2/72, 9/3/72—members of a gang called De Mau Mau, black veterans of army intelligence in Vietnam become domestic terrorists. One witness told the Tribune there were branches on every military base in the United States and Asia that had a sizable black population. Police started investigating De Mau Mau links to the murder of a retired army intelligence officer in Nebraska and his family on 9/9/72. The later job in Nebraska, ultimately unrelated was made to look like De Mau Mau — could this be an plumber operation to off a rat or a old foe? Col Bill Peak’s office had a framed photo of him and Fidel Castro. He had been an attache in Russia and Hungary. (& Army Intel with connections to Fidel Castro [http://is.gd/sKMd6I]). In the beginning, Cuban intelligence used American soldier of fortune William Morgan, who had gone to the mountains to help Fidel, to entrap over 200 local Cubans who were working with counterrevolutionaries 90 miles away in Miami. For the US, things only got worse. As seen in the narrative, Castro’s spies had thoroughly penetrated every American plot, from the earliest assassination plots, to the Bay of Pigs Invasion, to the 1963 re-invasion plans, to AM/LASH. It has been shown that there were fears — and evidence — that Rolando Cubela was a “double agent,” but he may have been the tip of the double agent iceberg. Was this Army Intelligence William X a double-agent for Castro? And would our Cubans, free to fly, have taken the opportunity for revenge?