
Black militant. Black Liberation Army. Brooklyn. New York. In Brooklyn a black man opens fire with an automatic weapon on a police car, wounding two policemen.

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Black militant. Republic of New Africa. New Orleans, Louisiana. Mark Essex, a black male with links to the Republic of New Africa, shoots 6 and wounds 21 during an attack in a motel. The dead include two hotel guests. Robert and Elizabeth Steagall, the hotel manager. Frank Schneider, and three police officers, Louis Sirgo, Phil Coleman, and Paul Persigo. All the victims were white, Mark Essex is killed by police at the end of a day-long shoot-out.

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Black militant, Republic of New Africa, New Orleans, Louisiana. A police cadet, Alfred Harrell, is killed and two other police officers are wounded in sniper attack. Bullets are later matched to the rifle used by Mark Essex in a motel Shooting

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Robbery and hijacking

Revolutionary leftist. Arlington, Virginia. Four leftists rob a bank. killing the bank manager. Henry Candee. and a policeman, Israel Gonzalez. A few days later. they hijack a jet plane and escape to Cuba.

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Revolutionary leftist. Chino, California. A member of Venceramos, a leftist revolutionary group. escapes while he is being transported from prison. During the escape, a prison guard, Jesus Sanchez is killed.

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Black militant, Black Liberation Army. Newark. New Jersey, A policeman is shot and wounded. The gunman is captured hours later and is identified as a suspect in the murders of two policemen, Foster and Laurie, killed on January 27. 1971.

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Black militant, de Mau Mau. Barrington Hills. Illinois. Four whiles are found murdered: Paul Corbett, his wife Marion, her sister Dorothy Derry, and her daughter, Barbara Boand. This is the first murder attributed to de Mau Mau by law enforcement.

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Quasi-terrorist, Laurel Maryland. George Wallace, a Presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, is shot by Arthur Bremer while giving a speech at a shopping mall. In his diary. Bremer also describes stalking Richard M. Nixon. He was apparently motivated by a desire to become famous rather than by political ideology.

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