Justice Department Issues Mixed Report on FBI Investigation of Watergate

The Justice Department’s Office of Planning and Evaluation (OPE) submits a report on the role and actions of the FBI…

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Hunt Testifies before Watergate Committee

Howard Hunt during the Senate hearings. [Source: Bettmann / Corbis] Convicted Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt testifies before the Senate…

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Watergate Conspiracy Far Deeper than Reported, Felt Tells Woodward; GOP ‘Mole’ on Watergate Committee

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in the offices of the Washington Post. [Source: Bettmann / Corbis] Washington Post reporter Bob…

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’Deep Throat’ Confesses the Investigation Deliberately Short-Sighted; Evidence Lacking to Prove Deeper Conspiracy

Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward once again meets with his FBI background source, W. Mark Felt—known around the Post offices…

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Former Attorney General Controls Secret Campaign Fund, Post Reports

Carl Bernstein, Katherine Graham, and Bob Woodward discuss the newspaper’s Watergate coverage. [Source: Southern Methodist University] The Washington Post reports…

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CREEP Bookkeeper Provides Damaging Information against Campaign

Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein interviews a reluctant source, a bookkeeper for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). In…

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Nixon Orders CIA to Stop FBI Watergate Investigation

Nixon and Haldeman, three days after the June 23 meeting. [Source: Washington Post]With the FBI tracing the Watergate burglars’ $100…

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Lead Burglar Cleans out Watergate Listening Post, Alerts Lawyer to Arrests

While the police are arresting the five Watergate burglars (see 2:30 a.m.June 17, 1972), the team leader, E. Howard Hunt,…

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Five ‘Plumbers’ Caught Burglarizing Democratic Offices in Watergate Hotel

Five burglars (see June 17, 1972) are arrested at 2:30 a.m. while breaking in to the Democratic National Committee (DNC)…

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White House, Nixon Campaign Mobilizes in Response to Watergate Burglary

Though the five Watergate burglars (see 2:30 a.m.June 17, 1972) are not yet allowed to make telephones begin ringing at…

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