Washington Post Says Dean Discussed Cover-Up with Nixon 35 Times, Approved of Payoffs to Watergate Conspirators

Washington Post headline from Dean story. [Source: Washington Post] Former White House counsel John Dean has told Watergate investigators that…

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Five ‘Plumbers’ Caught Burglarizing Democratic Offices in Watergate Hotel

Five burglars (see June 17, 1972) are arrested at 2:30 a.m. while breaking in to the Democratic National Committee (DNC)…

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Ehrlichman Reports ‘Plumbers’ Operations to Nixon

Nixon aide John Ehrlichman gives a progress report on the activities of the “Plumbers” to the president. “Plumbers” head Egil…

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Pentagon Papers Leaked to New York Times

Book cover of the Pentagon Papers. [Source: Daniel Ellsberg] The New York Times receives a huge amount of secret Defense…

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