Tackwood Given Black Panther Squad 19 Mission by McCord

During the late 1960s & early 1970s, Louis Tackwood worked as a police informer for the LAPD. In this capacity, he infiltrated the Black Panther movement. In late 1971, he went public concerning his work as an informer, detailing LAPD covert operations in a book entitled “The Glass House Tapes” (1973).
Louis Tackwood said that the number he was given by Squad 19 leadership to call, as part of the “Squad 19” plans, was named “White” — which is the alias Howard Hunt used as White House consultant to Richard Nixon. Another contact was “Martin” – one of McCord’s aliases. Tackwood didn’t know White and Martin were working for Nixon. He thought they were FBI or CIA liaisons to the LAPD.

August 10, 1971