Plumbers Break into Hoover’s House

J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, died on May 1, 1972, a month before Watergate. There is considerable evidence that he may have known about the White House “dirty tricks.” An article in the Harvard Crimson quotes Felipe De Diego, a Cuban exile who took part in the break-in at psychiatrist Daniel Ellsberg’s office, and who was a look-out at the Democratic National Committee break-in at the Watergate:

“Two burglaries took place at Hoover’s Washington home. The first was in the winter of 1972 to retrieve documents that might be used for blackmail against the White House. “After the first burglary,” according to Diego, “a second burglary was carried out; this time, whether by design or misunderstanding, a poison, thyonphosphate genre, was placed in Hoover’s personal toilet articles. Hoover died shortly after that.” Thyonphosphate genre is a drug that induces heart seizures. Its presence in a corpse is undetectable without an autopsy. No autopsy was ever performed on the body of J. Edgar Hoover.