Patrick Gray III

Resigned 20-year career in Navy — graduate of Annapolis — to work for Nixon’s election in 1960. Helped Nixon campaign in 1968.

Sat with National Security Council and “observed Nixon” when Nixon was only vice-president.

Unknown to America, an “administrator,” helped Nixon with anti-bussing, crime, drug abuse, wage and price controls.

Attacks the news media, people who criticize police brutality.

Halted the investigation in Los Angeles of the police murders of Jerrie Lee Amie and Reuben Salazar, Isla Vista riots.

Was Nixon’s hatchet man to stop ITT investigation.

“Closed” Governor Wallace investigation; Arthur Bremer having “mental tests” when evidence of conspiracy exists.

Stayed at Newporter Inn, California, the same time as John Mitchell, following Watergate Hotel arrests. Martha Mitchell confined by force.

Not approved by Congress to be head of the FBI – Too closely associated with Nixon, Mitchell, republican party to investigate political assassinations or arrests, crimes involving republican party.