Old School Ratfucking

At his first political meeting, former Nixon, Mudge colleague John Sears and anti-Wallace point man Fred LaRue recommended a year-round opinion-polling operation. The president eagerly agreed. When Klein made the mistake of telling a columnist, Nixon blew up, as he always did at any suggestion that he was what he actually was: obsessed with his image. Not concerned by Press, TV, or personal style, went one of his legal pad musings. Zest for job…Strong in-charge President. Aggressive. Anti-crime measures…On the ball. Honest. A better description was mercurial. Every morning, staffers would study Herb Klein’s face to know how to handle the boss that day. Another was insecure. Hours were taken up after important meetings grilling Haldeman or his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, about whether he did well or bragging about how well he did. Nixon’s early paranoia was rooted in insecurity