Nixon Gets FBI to Wiretap Kissinger’s Staff

Nixon suggests Kissinger’s own staff may be the source of the leaks. He is most suspicious of Kissinger’s aide Morton Halperin. By lunch, Kissinger has talked to the FBI about wiretapping suspected leakers. By dinner, Halperin’s phone is tapped. 

They are apoplectic in their anger: National Security Advisor Kissinger shouting to President Nixon, “We must do something! We must crush those people! We must destroy them!” Kissinger is not only referring to The NYTimes, but Defense Secretary Melvin Laird and Secretary of State William Rogers, whom he believes leaked the information to the Times in order to discredit him.

(Nixon has an unproductive phone conversation with Laird before his meeting with Kissinger; Nixon opened the phone call by calling Laird a “son of a b_tch,” and Laird hung up on the president.)