Martha Mitchell is Kidnapped to California

Four days after the arrests at the Watergate Hotel, Martha Mitchell called a UPI reporter from Newport, California:

“I am sick and tired of politics.”
“I gave (John) an ultimatum I would leave him if he didn’t get out.”
“I am a political prisoner.”
“Politics is nothing but a cops and robbers game.”
“I know dirty things.”
“I saw dirty things.”
“I am not going to stand for all those dirty tricks that go on.”
“I am sick and tired of the whole operation.”
They threw me down on the bed, five men, and stuck a needle in my behind. A doctor stitched my fingers after the battle with five guards.” (She had bruises on her arms and thighs.)

Martha’s telephone conversation was bugged when she summoned the UPI for help from California. Her room was entered, the phone was pulled from the wall, and the silencing treatment began. A security agent from the Committee to Re-elect President Nixon gave Martha an injection in her behind and a doctor was called to stitch up her finger.

Martha next found herself in New York after saying, “They wanted to keep me here in California.”

Patrick Gray III, acting head of the FBI from the Justice Dept., was staying at the same Newport hotel as the John Mitchell family following the arrests at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. Even Time magazine called that coincidence “suspicious.”

Gray should have a reputation by now of stopping investigations that would lead to possible conspiracies. He halted the investigations of the Jerrie Lee Aime murder in L.A., the Reuben Salazar murder in L.A., the Isla Vista riots in Santa Barbara, the ITT investigation in Washington, and the George Wallace shooting in Maryland.

It is little wonder that our FBI chief would not come to the aid of the Mitchells and see who was making Martha a “prisoner” when he was staying in the same hotel.

A high summit meeting was held between John Mitchell and president Nixon. Both came out of it agreeing on two things: Wives of politicians sometimes have a difficult time entertaining themselves; and Martha only had “one guard” from the Committee to Re-elect Richard Nixon.

Nine men registered at the Watergate Hotel where the Mitchells lived. Four suspects were not yet found at the time this was written. One of the men arrested worked for the re-election committee. Did any of the other suspects work for John Mitchell’s committee at the time they disappeared? Did Martha get four extra guards suddenly? Did John use his family for a cover in order to help four men leave Washington, D.C.

Based on what Martha told reporter St. John, McCord was being complained about on the plane.