Frank Sturgis Attacks Ellsberg at Hoover’s Funeral

Burglar Frank Sturgis is one of the men who attacked Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg outside a memorial service for the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover in May 1972. Barker flew in a CIA-chartered plane full of 10 Cuban Agency assets from Miami with a man infamous to the Cubans, Frank Sturgis. When they touched down they were met by Baldwin at the airport. The twelve men split into threes and stand at the entrances to the anti-Hoover protest outside the Capitol where Hoover is laying in state. On a walkway to the Capitol steps, at a location where protestors would have to pass, they all got ready, brass knuckles, etc. One giant Cuban in each of the four teams. Barker stood in the middle of one threesome and lined up a priest who was approaching from the demonstration. With a one-two punch combo, Barker knocked him out, flipping the man back and onto two protesters further down the stairs. Police were called, but nobody was arrested. They all celebrated with a huge steak and lobster dinner that night and flew back to Miami the next morning. It is suspected that the chartered plane was flown by George W. Bush, registered to a shell company called “Stratford of Houston” – sometimes written into hangar registers as Stratford of Texas.