Frank Sturgis

Frank Sturgis, alias Joseph Hamilton, Frank Fiorini, and a dozen known aliases

Worked with Castro’s Cuban military before leaving Cuba. Named by Castro to be overseer of gambling operations in Havana before Castro removed Syndicate.

U.S. Marines, World War II, served in South Pacific.

Key figure in Bay of Pigs invasion.

Lost U.S. citizenship in 1960; got it back with aid of Senator Smathers.

Close friend of Diaz Lanz, Cuban exile community, involved with right-wing movements such as the John Birch Society and Billy James Hargis’ Christian Crusade.

Extensive CIA contacts.

Part-time employee of Pan-American Aluminum Company in Havana.

Most-travelled of the group; holds Mexican passport.

At time of arrest, had birth certificate, two driver’s licenses and Social Security card with name of Joseph Hamilton.

Lieutenant, Reserve in Civil Air Patrol.

Close association, over 20 years, and source of information for columnist Jack Anderson.

Pilot of plane for International Anti-Communist Brigade that went over Havana after Bay of Pigs invasion.

Travelled recently to Honduras. Had visa from Mexican government to visit Mexico from January 7 to April 6 of this year.

Registered as a Democrat, rounding up support of Nixon’s policies.

Busy getting demonstrators to Miami; organizing demonstrations.

Close friend of Bernard Barker for 11 years.

Sturgis was among those questioned by the FBI after John Kennedy’s death because of his activities. His home had been an arsenal complete with a 20 millimeter cannon. Carlos Prio Socarras, former president of Cuba, was planning demonstrations for the conventions. He worked with Permindex, David Ferrie, and the entire Miami-Houston-Havana group named by independent researchers in association with Kennedy’s death. Did Sturgis and Socarros work together in 1963? Are they connected in any way, by banks or weapons, with 1972?