Donald Nixon and Meier Go Bribe Dominican Republic

Donald Nixon, the President’s irrepressible brother, showed up in the Dominican Republic in October, 1969, to talk business with President Joaquin Balaguer. In a back room of the presidential palace, they discussed what Donald could do for the Dominican Republic and what the Dominicans could do for Donald. Out of the pow-wow came mining concessions for Donald and an opportunity to build a luxury apartment complex on government-owned ocean frontage in Santo Domingo.

In return, Balaguer wanted Donald to use his influence with the White House. Recalls John Meier, who accompanied Donald Nixon to Santo Domingo: “Balaguer was talking in front of a group of people, and he was blunt about it. He said he needed White House help in his election, and he said he needed a bigger share of the sugar quota.

“Later on, when everybody was outside, Balaguer said something to his interpreter, and the interpreter came over and whispered to Don. Balaguer and Don then went to the back room and closed the door.”
