Democrat Senator Pushes Nixon

[Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK) entered the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record] …Which was why, the next day, (July 1, 1971) Nixon discussed as his next move recruiting “another Senator McCarthy”—some right-wing exuberant to crush the conspiracy against him and America as only someone with congressional immunity against libel and slander could do. They brought up John Ashbrook, the former Draft Goldwater leader; Illinois’s Phil Crane, a former leader of Young Americans for Freedom; the John Birch Society members in Congress, John G. Schmitz and John Rousselot. (“Mean, tough, ruthless,” Nixon praised Rousselot, a protégé. “He’ll lie, do anything.”) They regretted that Senator Dole of Kansas was already preoccupied as RNC chief. (Dole did the best he could for the team, telling reporters the Pentagon Papers’ disclosure had left heads of state around the world “at the mercy of sensation-seeking newspapers.”)