Big Money Needed for Summer

There is a secret meeting between the new CREEP and alumni of “Operation 40” – the notorious assassination team of the CIA, who had battled Castro and then Kennedy at one of the cover companies (along with Zapata Oil) – in Key Biscayne, Florida. Those present included John Mitchell, Jeb Magruder, and Fred LaRue. LaRue was a Havana Casino mobster from Oil money who turned into a bagman for the GOP and strategist of Nixon’s Southern Strategy – having been lifelong friends with insane racists like Senator Eastland (R-Miss) and Strom Thurmond. Jeb Magruder submitted to John Mitchell the third and final version of Hunt and Liddy’s “GEMSTONE” plan—this time only in the form of a condensed memorandum he wrote. Mitchell approved the budget of $250,000. President Nixon, speaking to Mitchell by telephone, voiced specific approval for the Watergate burglary. Nixon needed LaRue to launder large sums of cash like they had done 10 years before. LaRue agreed to fund GEMSTONE. It was agreed to spend $250,000 “intelligence gathering” operation against the Democratic Party including the DNC headquarters.