Bernard Barker tries to get Air Conditioning Plans.

Miami architect Leonard Glasser was approached by Bernard Barker to see if he could use his professional influence to obtain blueprints of the Miami Beach convention hall. “He came to me and said he had a client in Puerto Rico who wanted to build a convention hall,” Glasser said. “It was a logical story. We ere in the same building and threw business each other’s way… But the city doesn’t release things without authorization,” Glasser continued, “and they didn’t have any of the plans around. Then I said, ‘Bernie, what do you need the plans for? The building code in Puerto Rico is different, the site is different, everything’s different.”
“Then he said ‘Could you get the air conditioning plans? This was unreal because what the hell would anybody want that for?”
“He said he has a contact, a big man in the CIA and that he could help obtain business in Central America. Then he mentioned the guy had left CIA and said he has his own public relations firm… Then at on time he mentioned that the fellow was in the White House.
McCord was security at CREEP.