Bernard Barker

Bernard Barker, alias Frank Carter, alias “Macho”

Prominent in republican party in Miami. Known in Miami for his “important contacts in Washington.” Close friend of Frank Sturgis (also arrested) for 11 years.

Close associate with exile Cuban community in Miami.

Name of Howard Hunt, White House consultant, with him at the time of their arrest.

Partner for four years of Michael Suarez, Miami attorney; gave his name to police when arrested. Used Ameritus, the organization Suarez heads, for hotel reservations at the Watergate.

Met with Howard Hunt, on payroll to the White House, in Miami four years before the arrest. Hunt and Barker worked very closely together planning the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Conduit of funds for the CIA; payment of recruits for Bay of Pigs invasion. Hunt did the planning of the operation.

Worked with Frank Bender, CIA, who recruited the Army for the Bay of Pigs invasion.

Set up a secret seven-man team in April, paid provocateurs from Miami, to demonstrate at J. Edgar Hoover’s resting place.

Transferred secret $89,000 from Mexican bank to Miami [R]epublican National Bank. $30,000 paid for Watergate expedition and equipment. $10,000 was for Washington demonstrations. $6,500 with the men when arrested.

Approached architect Leonard Glass eight months before the conventions for “floor plans and air conditioning plans of the Democratic Convention halls.” Offered Glass “business in South America” in exchange for the air-conditioning plans of Convention Hall in Miami. Had “important connections” in Washington.

Part-time business partner of Howard Hunt in Central America.

Served with the Secret Police of dictator Fulgencio Batista in Cuba.

Officer in the U.S. Army, World War II.

Close to Manuel Artime, who commanded landing forces at Bay of Pigs.

In 1964, was a conduit of CIA funds to commanders being trained in Nicaragua for anti-Castro harassment raids.

Background of intelligence; well-connected to U.S. intelligence.

Had some knowledge of Miami conventions; told people that “something is going to happen” and “interesting things are afoot.”

Planned demonstrations for both Miami conventions to support the Vietnam war in general and Nixon’s bombing of Haiphong Harbor in particular.

Barker lost citizenship ten years ago. Researchers in Senate and House Judiciary Committees and Immigration subcommittees said they had no records of legislation introduced to restore Barker’s citizenship.

Had instructions to call Howard Hunt, White House consultant, if in trouble.