Barry Seal Arrested Bringing Explosives to Miami

On 1st July, 1972, Barry Seal was arrested in New Orleans and accused of moving C4 explosives linked from anti-Castro Cubans in Mexico. A DC-4 was seized at the Shreveport Regional Airport loaded with almost seven tons of plastic C-4 explosives, 7,000 feet of explosive primer cord and 2,600 electric blasting caps. James Miller, Richmond Harper, Marlon Hagler and Murray Kessler were also arrested with Seal. Kessler’s partner, Manny Gambino, was kidnapped around the same time the others were arrested. His corpse was later found in a New Jersey garbage dump.

The DC-4 was owned by James Boy, a known associate of the CIA. Boy’s aircraft were later used to fly Oliver North’s mercenaries in and out of Honduras. The man who organized the entrapment of Seal and his friends was Cesario Diosdado, an official with the United States Customs.

Seal had flown parachuting missions for Operation 40, flying out of airstrips in No Name Key, Lake Ponchatrain, and a sea plane from Zapata Platform. Seal’s wife claimed that Seal flew from Dallas to New Orleans the afternoon of John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

Squad 19’s plan entailed planting a number of agent provocateurs both inside and outside the 1972 republican Convention. Agents were to infiltrate the groups planning demonstrations against the war and poverty. At the time of the demonstrations, these agents were to provoke street battle with police surrounding the convention hall. Meanwhile, agents inside the convention hall were to plant explosives timed to blow up coincidental with the riots in the streets. The purpose is to kill a number of delegates.

Why would Bush do that? Break out into assholes and shit himself to death? Could Barry Seal’s arrest on explosives charges on July 2, 1972, have had something to do with the operations of Bush’s Republican Texas money-raising squad of Hugh Liedtke, Pennzoil, and Robert Mosbacher?