’Deep Throat’ Confesses the Investigation Deliberately Short-Sighted; Evidence Lacking to Prove Deeper Conspiracy

Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward once again meets with his FBI background source, W. Mark Felt—known around the Post offices…

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Black militant. Black Liberation Army. Brooklyn. New York. In Brooklyn a black man opens fire with an automatic weapon on a police car, wounding two policemen.

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Black militant. Republic of New Africa. New Orleans, Louisiana. Mark Essex, a black male with links to the Republic of New Africa, shoots 6 and wounds 21 during an attack in a motel. The dead include two hotel guests. Robert and Elizabeth Steagall, the hotel manager. Frank Schneider, and three police officers, Louis Sirgo, Phil Coleman, and Paul Persigo. All the victims were white, Mark Essex is killed by police at the end of a day-long shoot-out.

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Black militant, Republic of New Africa, New Orleans, Louisiana. A police cadet, Alfred Harrell, is killed and two other police officers are wounded in sniper attack. Bullets are later matched to the rifle used by Mark Essex in a motel Shooting

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Wife of Watergate Plumber Dies in Suspicious Plane Crash

Dorothy Hunt. [Source: Spartacus Educational] Dorothy Hunt, the wife of accused Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt (see 2:30 a.m.June 17,…

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