Alexander M. Haig Alfred Baldwin Anthony Russo Barry Seal Ben Bradlee Bernard Barker Bob Woodward Brookings Institution Campaign to Re-elect the President Carl Bernstein celebrity Central Intelligence Agency Charles Colson Charles ‘Bebe’ Rebozo Chuck Colson Committee to Re-elect the President counter-culture Daniel Ellsberg David Young Democratic National Committee disaster Dita Beard Donald Segretti Dorothy Hunt Dwight Chapin E. Howard Hunt Earl Silbert Edmund Muskie Edward Kennedy Egil Krogh enemies list Episode Eugenio Martinez Federal Bureau of Investigation Felipe de Diego Frank Sturgis Frederick LaRue G. Gordon Liddy George Herbert Walker Bush George S. McGovern H.R. Haldeman Henry A. Kissinger Henry Kissinger Herbert Kalmbach Herbert L. Porter heroic feats Howard Baker Howard Hughes Hugh Sloan International Telephone and Telegraph J. Edgar Hoover Jack Anderson James McCord Jeb S. Magruder John Dean John Ehrlichman John J. ‘Jack’ Caulfield John Mitchell John Paisley John Sirica Joseph Kraft Ken Clawson Kennedy administration L. Patrick Gray Lawrence O’Brien Lewis Fielding Louis Tackwood Martha Mitchell Maurice Stans Melvin Laird Morton H. Halperin New York Times Ngo Dinh Diem Nixon administration photo ratfucking Republican National Committee Richard Helms Richard Kleindienst Richard M. Nixon Richard Reeves riot Robert C. Odle Robert J. (“Bob”) Dole Robert Mardian Ron Ziegler Senate Watergate Investigative Committee sports terrorism Tom Charles Huston Tony Ulasewicz US Department of Defense US Department of Justice Virgilio Gonzalez VVAW W. Mark Felt Washington Post weathermen ’Operation Menu’ ’Plumbers’

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