
Black militant, Republic of New Africa, New Orleans, Louisiana. A police cadet, Alfred Harrell, is killed and two other police officers are wounded in sniper attack. Bullets are later matched to the rifle used by Mark Essex in a motel Shooting

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Wife of Watergate Plumber Dies in Suspicious Plane Crash

Dorothy Hunt. [Source: Spartacus Educational] Dorothy Hunt, the wife of accused Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt (see 2:30 a.m.June 17,…

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Robbery and hijacking

Revolutionary leftist. Arlington, Virginia. Four leftists rob a bank. killing the bank manager. Henry Candee. and a policeman, Israel Gonzalez. A few days later. they hijack a jet plane and escape to Cuba.

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’Deep Throat’ Provides Explosive Information about White House Plan to Subvert Elections

Around 2 a.m., Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward meets his FBI source, W. Mark Felt (popularly called “Deep Throat”—see May…

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Revolutionary leftist. Chino, California. A member of Venceramos, a leftist revolutionary group. escapes while he is being transported from prison. During the escape, a prison guard, Jesus Sanchez is killed.

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Former Attorney General Controls Secret Campaign Fund, Post Reports

Carl Bernstein, Katherine Graham, and Bob Woodward discuss the newspaper’s Watergate coverage. [Source: Southern Methodist University] The Washington Post reports…

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CREEP Bookkeeper Provides Damaging Information against Campaign

Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein interviews a reluctant source, a bookkeeper for the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). In…

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